Answer 1:
A conductor is a substance that has free
electron states (like a metal), or electric
charges within it (like saltwater). The importance
of a conductor is that if a conductor is placed in
an electric field, there are electrically charged
particles within it that can move, and will. Thus,
the substance conducts electric current.
A neutron is a particle that resides in the
nucleus of an atom and has a mass slightly larger
than an electron and no net electric charge.
Neutrons are held in atoms by the nuclear forces.
A neutron not part of an atomic nucleus will decay
into a proton and an electron. The number of
neutrons in an atom have a strong effect on the
stability of the atomic nucleus. For example, a
hydrogen (1 proton) with no neutrons is stable.
With one neutron, the hydrogen (called
"deuterium") is still stable but more reactive in
nuclear reactions. With two neutrons ("tritium"),
it is radioactive.Neutrons and conductors have
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