How long a whale can stay underneath water? How long
they can stay on land? |
Question Date: 2013-07-09 | | Answer 1:
There are many kinds of whales. The
underwater champions can stay down for up to two
hours. Usually they only stay under for about 20
minutes, but different whales do different things.
Whales can only survive a few hours on land.
They breathe the air just fine. The problem is
that their fat holds in too much heat. When the
water is not there to absorb the heat, they die.
They are also very heavy. This is fine when the
water supports their weight, but on land, their
weight can crush their bones. Rescuers try to
keep stranded whales cool with water and may try
to move the smaller ones to new positions to
protect their bones. The whales have to get back
in the water soon in order to survive.
What do you think it’s like to live in water
all the time? How would your body need to be
different if you were going to spend your life in
Thanks for asking,
| | Answer 2:
There are many whales, so some can stay under
water longer than others. From places that I've
read online, some whales can stay for as long as
90-120 minutes under water when they are in
danger, these are bottle nose whales. Usually
while they are feeding though, they only stay for
about 30-40 minutes.
Some whales can't stay under water for as long and
can only do it for about 10-15 minutes while they
are feeding. It really depends on which whale you
are looking at. | | Answer 3:
It depends on the kind of whale, but some
whales can stay under water for as long as almost
2 hours! Overall, I believe the range is about 5
minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on which species
of whale it is. Whales cannot survive on land --
their bodies did not evolve to. For instance, in
water, pressure acts the same in all directions,
but on land, we mainly feel force in one direction
(downward). Now, whales tend to be large, so on
land, all the weight they carry around would crush
the organs in their body because we feel force
only in one direction, whereas in water, this does
not happen.
Furthermore, whales carry around a lot of
blubber. This helps them keep warm in the water,
where temperatures get a lot colder, but if they
end up on land, they overheat and dry up very
quickly because of their blubber. | | Answer 4:
There are different types of whales, but they
all are very massive! A blue whale is recorded to
be the largest animal on Earth. Because of their
size you can guess they can stay underwater for a
long time. On average, whales can dive up to 2,000
meters in the ocean and stay there for about 2
hours. That's so much longer than humans - we can
barely stay underwater for two minutes. Scientists
don't exactly know why they can stay underwater
for so long, but there has been speculation that
they have a greater amount of myoglobin, a protein
that stores oxygen, in their bodies.
Naturally, whales are sea creatures and can
live the best in the ocean. If they ever are on
land, they can survive only a couple hours. If
there is a way of cooling down the whale when it
is on land, like pouring cold water onto it, it
can survive for a couple hours longer. A lot of
whale die when then are on land because they
cannot support their own weight when out of the
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