Answer 1:
That is an interesting question and one which
deserves some answers. The short answers are, yes
black holes do travel just like anything else and
yes, our earth and solar system most certainly are
being attracted by a black hole. But there is no
need to worry, we are not in danger of falling in
any time soon.
Black holes can travel around and orbit other
bodies just like a star or a planet. Black holes
can even collide and create bigger black holes. As
a matter of fact, it is now thought that most
galaxies orbit around what are called super
massive black holes. This includes our own Milky
Way Galaxy. But like I said, three is nothing to
worry about. Our solar system is orbiting this
black hole, not falling towards it. So technically
we are being attracted to it, the same way the
earth is attracted to the sun, but there is no
danger of falling into it any time in the
foreseeable future. |
Answer 2:
To answer your question, yes, black holes move
just as any other stars in the galaxy; it is
subject to the same gravitational laws as any
other bodies so it does attract masses and it is
also attracted by other masses.
From what I've read, our sun isn't large enough to
become a black hole itself. I think there is a
possibility later on in the very not near future
that it is possible that Earth could come into
contact with a black hole. It's possible, but not
something we need to worry about as it would
probably happen way after humans are extinct.
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