Answer 1:
There's a great response to this question
courtesty of a past submission to UCSB's
Scienceline. You can find it here:
Alternatively, you can test your own visual or
auditory short term memory in a cool game called
"Dual N-Back". It's a kind of variation on the
"Simon" game simon
game only it tests auditory and visual memory
at the same time, but not linked together. You
can download a version of the game here: download
simon The basic premise of the game is that
squares light up on a tic tac toe grid and letters
are spoken at the same time.
You need to remember whether the letter said
or the square lighted or both during the last time
is the same as the current one said or lighted or
both. You can make the game harder by checking if
the square/letter is the same from 2 times ago, 3
times ago, or N times ago where N is any number.
Have fun,