Answer 1:
My goodness! It never occurred to me that
rainfall and litter would be correlated, but you
are right.
The 4th hit was the one below, which gives me
the idea that lots of rain during the growing
season results in lots of dead leaves and other
litter in the fall and winter. That fits with
what I've heard in Santa Barbara, where some
people have lots of allergies after a spring with
heavy rain, because lots of plants grow, with lots
of flowers and pollen that can cause allergies.
From the Lecture Notes for Allochthonous Inputs
to explore)
Pollen heads of conifers cause spring peaks in
pine forest streams. Litter fall was positively
related to annual precipitation and decreased with
increasing latitude
I think your question about the strength of the
correlation has many parts. The correlation
between rainfall and litter depends on things such
1. How much litter falls directly into the
stream, and how much gets into the stream due to
wind, or water running down stream banks, or other
2. How much undergrowth is there by the stream
banks? Does the litter mostly just fall down and
settle among the undergrowth, or does it get blown
or washed into the stream?
3. What is the altitude? The google hit above
says there's less litter at higher altitudes.
4. How wide is the stream? Wide streams have
less litter for a specific area of stream [such as
a square yard]. I learned that from the website
in this email.
The website in this email has lecture notes as
a pdf. The lecture notes have a lot of
information, and I recommend that you look at
them. After you read the first sentence, or maybe
the whole Overview, you will want to look at the
glossary at the end, because it tells you what the
scientific words and abbreviations mean! But the
lecture notes are not easy to understand.
Keep asking questions!
Best wishes,
Helen Hansma
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