Answer 1:
Your weight is different at the poles from the
equator because at the poles, you are relatively
motionless with respect to the earth. At the
equator, you are traveling in a circle which
moves 25,000 miles in a day; over a thousand miles
and hour to the east. That circular path also
requires you to accelerate a bit toward the center
of the circle (or you'd travel in a straight
line). This acceleration due to circular motion is
the same as the force you feel on a string when
you whirl a weight. Effectively, that acceleration
cancels a bit of the acceleration of gravity --
you weigh less at the equator than at the pole of
the earth.
There are differences in gravity
acceleration due to the shape of the earth and to
differences in composition -- but these are much
smaller effects.(ie. the weight difference from
centripetal acceleration is about a percent or 2,
while shape and mountain ranges are about
0.002 percent...) Click Here to return to the search form.