Answer 1:
This is a fantastic question! The short answer
is: Mt. Everest is experiencing both uplift and
Uplift must compensate for erosion because of
isostasy, which is the gravitational equilibrium
of a buoyant object in a fluid or ductile medium.
The easiest way to understand this is to imagine
an iceberg floating in water. Because ice is only
slightly less dense than water, a large “root”
(~90% of the ice) is submerged beneath the water’s
surface. If the part of the iceberg above water
were removed, the iceberg would “bob up” and ice
that was previously submerged would be above
water. Also, the “root” would not extend as deeply
below water.
I use the analogy of an iceberg, because the rocks
at the surface of the earth follow the same
principle. The lithosphere of the earth is made up
of the crust and uppermost mantle that act as
rigid plates (parts of the crust actually flow
like silly putty instead of acting totally rigid).
The lithosphere “floats” on the asthenosphere,
which is the part of the upper mantle that flows
sort of like an extremely viscous fluid even
though it is solid (think silly putty). The figure
that I have included shows the process of
“isostatic adjustment” when a mountain is eroded.
When the top of the mountain is removed, the
system is not in isostatic equilibrium until the
lithosphere “bobs up”, with the root becoming
shallower. You can see that the top of the
mountain in stage three is above the dashed line
that marks how deeply it was eroded. This is
uplift. You will also notice that the elevation of
the top of the mountain after isostatic rebound is
lower than in stage 1. So, while rocks were
uplifted, the surface elevation actually
The model shown in the
is simplified and
doesn’t take into account lateral tectonic forces
“squeezing” plates together. In the Himalaya, the
Indian Plate is still moving toward the Eurasian
Plate. This has cause thickening and isostatic
uplift of the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya,
but erosion is keeping pace with the uplift. If
uplift were occurring without any erosion, Mount
Everest would be much higher than it is. If
erosion were occurring without uplift due to
tectonic thickening and isostasy, Mount Everest
would be much lower, like the Appalachian
Mountains of eastern North America.
Answer 2:
Mount Everest is experiencing both, uplift and
erosion - but I don't know whether it is growing
faster or eroding faster at this moment. Mountains
that get too large also have faults that tear them
apart, and I believe this may be happening to
Everest as well as erosion.
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