What happens to air density in the atmosphere when
air is cool? Please explain to me. |
Question Date: 2014-04-30 | | Answer 1:
Great question! Air in the atmosphere is subject
to a wide variety of temperatures at different
parts of the day and at various heights. These
changing conditions can drastically affect the
density of air, which in turn affects things like
humidity capacity and are a large part of what
causes different weather systems (think about how
cold air sinks and hot air rises, and how that can
lead to vortexes or air cycles). Simply, the air
density can be approximated with the Ideal Gas Law
you may have learned in chemistry:
P=ρRs T
Where P is the absolute pressure, V is the volume
of gas, n is the moles of gas, R is the gas
constant, and T is the absolute temperature. The
density ρ is calculated by dividing the amount of
gas by the volume of gas. This leads to the equation:
ρ=P/(Rs T)
At sea level and about 15 °C (59 °F), the
density of dry air is about 1.225
kg/m3, but temperature can vary this
value. For example at 35 °C (95 °F) the density
is 1.146 kg/m3, and at -25 °C (-13 °F)
the density is 1.422 kg/m3.
| | Answer 2:
When air cools (assuming everything else is held
constant), the density increases. If you're in
chemistry, you will eventually see ideal gas law
and where it comes from. When air is heated, it
expands. This is why hot air balloons fly: the
warm air is less dense than cooler air and the
balloon floats. Also, combustion engines (in cars
and other vehicles) take advantage of this
expansion of cool air to move a piston. However,
it is important to note that air density is also
affected by surrounding pressure (warmer air will
not always be less dense). If a gas such as air is
under less pressure, it will expand and become
less dense. An example of this would be cities
like Denver, Colorado. It is in the mountains.
Even though the weather there is cold, the air is
less dense than air here in Santa Barbara because
the pressure is lower up in the mountains.
Therefore, the air can expand more. (The pressure
is lower in the mountains for the same reason that
pressure is higher in the deeper parts of pools
and lower in the shallower parts. There is more
water pressing down on top of the deeper parts,
just as there is more air above Santa Barbara
pressing downward than there is above Denver
because it is higher up.)
| | Answer 3:
Good question! Here's a related question: why do
hot air balloons float? Well, in order to float,
the air inside the hot air balloon has to be less
dense than the air outside of it (that's the same
reason air bubbles will rise when they're
underwater). So hot air is less dense than cooler
So that's the short answer to your question:
when the air cools down, it becomes more dense.
But wait - denser air is heavier, so it pushes
down on the ground more. That's why colder
weather is usually associated with high pressure
weather systems. Similarly, since warmer air
rises and is less dense, warmer weather is
associated with low pressure systems. And since
things tend to want to move from high pressure to
low pressure, air will tend to move from high
pressure (cold) weather systems to low pressure
(warm) weather systems. That's what causes wind
and weather!
| | Answer 4:
Initially, density goes up because it's easier to
pack more molecules into a smaller volume when the
temperature is lower. However, pressure remains
roughly the same, because any inequality in
pressure results in air flowing from high-pressure
areas to low-pressure areas (this is what causes
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