Answer 2:
The conduction in a neuron cell is electrical
and it is caused by chemicals that are inside the
cells. The whole process of conduction in a
neuron is the “action potential”, “spike”, or
“impulse”. The action potential is an explosion of
electrical activity that is created by a
depolarizing current, and it occurs when a neuron
sends information down an axon, away from the cell
The action potential is based on the work of
chemicals in the body which are
"electrically-charged”. These electrically-charged
chemical are called “ions” and in a nerve cells
they are potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+).
Depending on the state of the nerve cell, which
can be sending or not a signal, the ions will
cross the membrane of this cell producing
electrical forces or voltage. It is the difference
of voltage which produces a current and the
conduction process.
I found for you a good website where you can
see how this conduction process works inside the
nerve cells. I also found nice videos where you
can watch the process:
potential video
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