Answer 1:
We could turn this question on its head and ask
why is there life on land? Our best
scientific evidence indicates that life on earth
began in the sea, and only after millions of years
did organisms start to live on land. The oldest
fossils are about 3.5 billion years old. They are
of ancient bacteria-like creatures that lived
in shallow seas. In fact for billions of
years, all life on Earth was single celled animals
that lived in the oceans. It was only about 5.5
million years ago that multicellular life appears
in the fossil record. Shortly after this
(geologically speaking- 500,000-1,000,000 years)
plants may have colonized the land. So you can see
that there has been life in the seas for over 800
times as long as its been on land. Click Here to return to the search form.