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What is a chloroplast in a cell?
Question Date: 2014-09-10
Answer 1:

A chloroplast is an organelle (like an organ, but for a cell) that collects light and turns it into energy that the cell can use. It is the place where carbon dioxide and water are broken down and put back together again as oxygen and sugar, and sugar being the energy source for (nearly) all life, plant and animal alike.

Answer 2:

A chloroplast is an organelle found in plant cells. It is responsible for harvesting light energy (photons) from the sun and converting it into chemical energy (sugar) so that the plant can use it for grow, among other things.

A cool fact about chloroplasts is that scientists think that a very long time ago, chloroplasts were individual organisms and at one point in evolutionary history became incorporated into other cells, effectively converting them into organelles that generate energy for the plant cell.


Answer 3:

It is an organelle. This means it's like an organ is to the body, but much smaller because it is inside a cell. Like the stomach has the chemicals and functions to break down food, the chloroplasts have the right structure to perform the chemical reactions that let them take energy in from sunlight. Basically, they build sugars using sunlight and carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil.

Answer 4:

Chloroplast is the structure in plant cells that performed photosynthesis, where sunlight is transformed into energy. The chloroplast makes and stores the cell's energy. The chloroplast is usually a green color because of the chlorophyl that is inside it.

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