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How do plants interact with their environment? Please give me an answer.
Question Date: 2015-01-26
Answer 1:

I’m so happy to give you an answer to your question! Plants interact with their environment in lots of amazing ways! Plants are able to sense light and grow towards it. Have you ever noticed a plant by the window growing towards sunlight?

This is actually called “phototropism” and it means that plants respond to light. phototropism Plants use light to make their own food, so plants have adapted to be able to detect light and move towards it.

Another “tropism” plants have is gravitropism This is when plants sense gravity and grow away from it (the opposite of what they do to light). Why do plants grow away from gravity? Well, light is usually up, away from the pull of gravity, so this is just another adaptation plants have to get closer to the sunlight they need to make food. Have you ever noticed that trees on the side of a mountain still grow upwards (instead of sideways)?

That’s gravitropism! Even if there was no light around, plants can still sense gravity and grow away from it.

Another way plants interact with their environment is by opening and closing holes on their leaves, called stomates, in response to carbon dioxide. Just like humans need oxygen to breath in (and we breathe out carbon dioxide), plants breath in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen! Stomates on leaves are just the openings we have on our faces (mouths and noses) to let these gases in and out. When they need to let in more carbon dioxide, they open their stomates, and when there is enough carbon dioxide around them, the stomates close.

Hope that answered your question!

Answer 2:

First, think about what you know about "living things." Sometimes, we tend to think that plants do not do very much since they seem to not move or communicate. But guess what? Plants are very sensitive to the environment and they can influence the environment as well! The ability of a plant to "sense" is just a bit different than what you are used to thinking about when you consider the senses of an animal.

Plants of course need water, sunlight, air, and nutrients to survive and reproduce - and these come from the environment. But plants also interact with the environment by providing oxygen (produced through photosynthesis) and helping to loosen soil through mechanical root action to name just two. Think also about plants in terms of how they serve as food and even shelter for some animals (especially insects). Plants are an integral part of the environment and every food web connects to them in some form.

There are some interesting examples of obvious environmental interaction that you might want to look for next time you are out and about. Have you ever grown sunflowers? If you do, you might note that the heads always turn toward the sun - so even though it's slow, if you keep track, you will see that they are facing a different direction in the morning as compared to afternoon. Other kinds of plants, such as some species of primroses, have flowers that open and close according to sunlight levels. Other plants have dramatic reactions to touch - with exploding seed sacs or the ability to snap shut. Do you know what a venus fly trap is? Try looking it up or having your parents or a teacher help you find a video of one on line - now THERE is a plant that is interacting with it's environment!

Answer 3:

Plants interact with their environment in all of the ways that any other living thing does. They take in materials they need to grow (in this case, nitrate, phosphate, carbon dioxide, water, and light), and release by-products (oxygen). They also are eaten by many kinds of animal and fungal life, use animals to move their pollen and seeds around, and construct defenses against things that eat them.

Answer 4:

Plants interact with their environment in a variety of ways. Plants can sense light and will grow towards it. They can also sense gravity and will grow up even if there is no light. Also, vein like plants that need something to climb up, will move their shoots around in circles until they touch something that they can twist around and grow up. Plants also compete against each other underground, their roots interact and release chemicals to stop their neighbors from growing.

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