Answer 1:
The most basic answer for your question is
evolution. An egg serves as a protective
shell to contain a developing animal embryo until
it can survive on its own. Therefore, evolution
has to have done something to make sure the egg
stays safe and protects the baby growing
inside. Animals lay their eggs in different
environments depending on where they live, so egg
shells have different compositions to make sure
the embryo inside stays protected according to the
environment it is in.Another way the egg stays
safe is due to its shape.
Evolution made most animal eggs oval shaped.
Many animals lay their eggs in some sort of a
nest. If the egg were circle in shape, it would
easily roll away, but with the unique
tapered-oval shaped, the egg has less of an
ability to roll away from the mother and better
stays safe in its nest. Click Here to return to the search form.