How big is the sun? How big is the earth? How big
is Jupiter? Can you compare them? |
Question Date: 2015-04-15 | | Answer 1:
Great question! Yes, we can compare the size of
the sun, earth, and Jupiter in different ways. The
easiest way to visualize the difference in size of
these objects is to compare their radii (the
distance from the center to the surface of a
circle or sphere). The sun has an average radius
of about 695,500 kilometers (432,150 miles).
Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system,
has a radius of about 70,000 km. Earth’s radius is
only about 6,370 km. Earth is tiny compared to
Jupiter and the sun! You would need to fly around
the earth roughly 110 times to travel the same
distance if you few around the sun once! The
picture below compares the size of the sun,
Jupiter, and Earth. Earth is the tiny little dot
on the left!
| | Answer 2:
Answer #2
Hello! I think the best way to answer your
question is with some pictures! These
images show
the relative sizes of the sun and the planets. The
sun is 864,752 miles wide (that’s 323 times as
wide as the United States!) While Jupiter, which
is the biggest planet in our solar system is
86,881 miles wide (32 times the width of the
United States), and Earth is just 7,918 miles wide
(three times the width of the United States).
Planetary System
Planets and Fruits | | Answer 3:
The sun has a diameter of 1.3 million kilometers
and a mass of 300,000 times that of the Earth.
Jupiter has a diameter of 70,000 kilometers and
mass 317 times that of the Earth. Earth has a
diameter of 12,732 kilometers (exact because of
the definition of the kilometer).
| | Answer 4:
Imagine a 1 followed by 21 zeros (with
units of m3). That is how big Earth is.
Now imagine a 1 followed by 25 zeros (same
units). That's how big Jupiter is. The sun is a
1 followed by 27 zeros (same units).
Don't worry if these numbers look too big to
imagine. I have a hard time with them too. There
is actually a really cool relationship among the
three. In terms of volume, Jupiter is about
1000 times bigger than Earth. What this means
is that you can fit about 1000 Earths inside
Jupiter. The Sun is about 1 000 000 (a million)
times bigger than Earth, which means you can
fit about a million Earths inside the Sun. What
about Jupiter and the Sun? Well, just like we
can fit about 1000 Earths in Jupiter, we can also
fit about 1000 Jupiters in the Sun.
I hope this comparison helps. Thank you for your
question, and good luck with school! Click Here to return to the search form.
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