Answer 2:
Oil drilling in the Santa Barbara channel is a
business. It got started because the oil companies
can make money by selling the oil that they drill.
It helps people because oil is valuable, so adding
more oil to society means more fuel for people to
have. It probably doesn't help the people living
in Santa Barbara more than anywhere else in
America, though, because the oil is taken
elsewhere to be refined and sold. The only
exception would be jobs for the oil workers on the
Answer 3:
can my partner, Oscar, and I help with the
scientists or people on the aspect of
This questions does not have an easy answer. I
think that the best way a young student can help
scientists is by being informed about things that
happen in our community. It is also important to
understand why those things happen, if they
benefit or not the community or any other people
involved. We all have responsibilities to share in
any community; for young students it is important
to learn well the Science behind everything that
happens, to understand it, and then, when the
right time comes, to take action for the benefit
of all of us. ALL of us, not only privileged groups.
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