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It seems that the universe was created by a big perfect explosion, it is also expanding in harmony to the point that it has created galaxies where billions of stars were formed. It also seems that stars created their own planets becoming solar systems. It seems that our solar system has been shaped with the right conditions in order for earth to become a green house and support life in many ways. Our plants, animals and us as a species are structured with DNA coding. Our universe is full of constants such as gravity, and speed. My question based on my observation is the following: Is the universe a computer program due to the fact that there are not coincidences other than cause and effect?
Question Date: 2015-05-21
Answer 1:

The universe is far from perfect and predetermined. It does have rules but it also has many complex interactions that we can’t predict. As you continue your studies, you will find that there are many coincidences that are not due to direct causes and still rules of the universe that we don’t understand yet. (Even gravity, which we all have experience with, is not fully understood.) I study chemistry because I want to do my part to build our model of the universe, to push our understanding just a little bit further into the unknown. Whether or not the universe is a natural phenomena or computer simulation, there is still more to explore. Stay curious!

Answer 2:

We no way to test this idea, with the result that it is impossible to know, scientifically-speaking, whether or not it is correct.

That is not to say that it is an uninteresting question, though. We just can't answer it using the scientific method.

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University of California, Santa Barbara Materials Research Laboratory National Science Foundation
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