Answer 1:
All skin tones get their color from the same
brown pigment, called melanin. People who have
lots of melanin are said to have "black" skin,
although their skin may vary from dark to medium
brown. People who have less melanin are said to
have "white" skin, although it is really a light
Melanin protects your body tissue from
harsh sunlight by absorbing it on the surface of
your skin. Your skin will make more melanin to
protect you if you spend time in direct sunlight.
This causes your skin to darken, called "tanning".
Everyone's skin can tan, even if your skin is
naturally dark.
Some people with lighter skin do not produce
melanin evenly so they get many dark freckles
instead of tanning. No matter how much melanin
you have, lots of direct sunlight can damage your
skin and give you a higher risk for diseases like
cancer. That's why it is best to use sunscreen
lotion and cover up if you plan to be outside for
a long time, even if your skin is naturally dark.
Your individual skin color is based on your
genetic background - mostly determined by the
skin color of your parents, your parents' parents
and that of your ancestors, but there is some
variation in each generation. (This means that
your skin usually looks like your parents' but it
might be slightly lighter or darker too. That's
People with darker skin color have ancestors
who mostly lived in areas with sunlight all year
round, like near the Equator. There, it was
very important to be protected from the harsh sun.
People who have lighter skin tones have
ancestors who mostly lived in places where the
sunlight was less direct or blocked by weather,
like in northern Europe or Asia. There, people
who were naturally born with lighter skin had a
lower risk for health problems so they could more
easily survive to be our ancestors. (Some rare
people, known as albinos, are born without the
ability to make melanin at all so their skin, hair
and eyes are very pale. They have to be very
careful about going out in the sun.)
For a long time, people thought that skin color
determined many other traits about a person and so
people were often separated into groups based just
on their skin color. However, as we learn more
about genetics, we find that everyone has more
genes in common than they have different, no
matter how different individual people may look
from each other. People with similar skin
color are more likely to have common ancestors but
your skin color doesn't say anything more about
you than your hair or eye color do. All of
your colors are determined by different amounts of
the same melanin that everyone has, in amounts
that you inherited from your family.
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