Answer 1:
The flu is actually caused by several kinds of
viruses that are constantly undergoing genetic
mutation and evolving.
The two main kinds of flu virus are types A
and B, which can be further categorized
according to the proteins found on the surfaces of
these viruses. Most people do not die from the
flu. On average, people who are otherwise healthy
and get the flu can exhibit a range of symptoms,
including headaches, body aches, fevers, fatigue,
nausea, coughs, congestion, and runny or stuffy
noses. However, there are some people who are more
at risk for developing worse symptoms,
complications, or even possibly dying. Examples
include infants, elderly people, or pregnant
women, whose immune systems are not
well-developed, or compromised. I hope this helps!
Answer 2:
A healthy adult human will survive a common
flu, but there have been especially deadly flu
strains that have killed up to a few percent of a
nation's people (the 1918 flu epidemic killed more
people than World War I). Even common flu can
dangerous to people who are old, sick for other
reasons, or have weak immune systems.
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