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Will the stars appear very bright in new moon day? Or full moon day?
Question Date: 2016-11-16
Answer 1:

Good question :) If we compare a new moon day and a full moon day, stars will appear very brightly in new moon day. Why? During the night, what are the first thing you see in the night sky? The moon! Well, around full moon, the moon casts a lot of light, which outshines other celestial galaxies or star clusters. This is why people who want to look at big dipper or other star symbols avoid looking at the moon with a telescope.

Answer 2:

Stars have the same brightness no matter what is in the sky, but our eyes adapt to the amount of light that we see. This means that the more light there is around, the harder it is for us to see faint things. The full moon reflects a lot of light, so while the stars are still there, we have a harder time seeing them.

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