Answer 1:
My spider book says there are 34,000 species of
spiders, but the book was written in 1996; and
more species of plants and animals are being
discovered all the time. [The book is "Biology of
Spiders" by Rainer F. Foelix]
The book says there are spiders living in all
types of environments except the air and the sea.
The book says the largest tarantulas have bodies
that are over 3 inches long. That doesn't count
the legs, because the tarantula I handled this
morning was larger, when her legs were measured
too. She's a New World tarantula - a Chilean Rose
Haired tarantula. She looks furry - she has hairs
on her body and legs that she can brush off
herself when she feels threatened. Each hair is
covered with hundreds of tiny hooks that can
irritate the skin of the animal that is
threatening her. We're not supposed to touch the
tarantula, but today I did; and, indeed, my finger
is a little bit sore.
Female spiders live longer than males and are
larger than males, in most cases.
My son made me a spider-shaped birthday cake last
Spider silk is so strong that it could be used
for bullet-proof vests, if scientists could find a
way to make a lot of it.
Here's a website about the spiders of
spiders of Tennessee
The site wants people to post good pictures of
spiders in Tennessee to know about all the
spiders. You can join the project by signing up
at the website. There are pictures of people who
joined the project recently.
Here are some of the spiders, with the name of the
person who put the spider's picture on the
Black and Yellow Garden Spider,
rohanberg 1 0.
Carolina wolf spider PhotoginTN 4 6.
Black and Yellow Argiope
ms.harris.the.math.genius 1 0.
Spotted orbweaver PhotoginTN 1 2.
Cribellate Orb Weaver LisaPowers 4 0.
Cardinal Jumping Spider EricHillstrom 3 0.
Brown Recluse/Violin Spider hourglasstym 1 1.
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