Answer 1:
To answer this question, the first thing we should
know is what is hot? Hot water means that
the water molecules (water is made of these
molecules) are more likely to move and more
kinematic than they are in the cold state. Let me
give an example. Imagine we have two classrooms of
kids. In classroom A, those kids are happy to move
around in the room and do not want to stay in the
same place while in classroom B most of kids are
relatively quiet and do not want to move a lot. We
can say classroom A is "hot", while classroom B is
"cold". If we open a door between the two
classroom and allow the kids to move around
anywhere in the two classroom. Then we can say the
kids are in a state that is between hot and cold.
To keep the water hot, you want the water
molecules to stay excited. First thing you can
do is to supply energy to those water molecules,
such as using the electric power to heat the water
up. Or correspondingly in the example above, to
supply the candy bars and motivate the kids to
move around. Second thing you can do is stop the
water molecules from losing energy to outside. In
this case, it is just keeping the door of the
classroom shut, so that the active kids don't go
outside. You know that a cup of hot water leaving
in the air will become cold after a few hours.
That is because the air is colder than the hot
water, after the contact between the water and
air, the heat from hot water will lose to the air.
If you put the hot water in the specially designed
cup, the water will still be warm after a few
hours, because of the designs (thermally
insulating or vacuum) to slow down the process of
losing heat.
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