Answer 1:
Thank you for the great question.
As you correctly note, plants use sunlight to
transform carbon dioxide in the air into food for
the plant and oxygen in a process called
photosynthesis. Some oxygen is kept by the
plant, but the majority is released back into the
It looks like you are thinking about things
that affect the speed of photosynthesis, which
then affects how much oxygen plants produce.
Scientists have determined three major factors
that affect how much oxygen plants can make.
First, plants will photosynthesize faster
when placed in stronger light. For example,
plants on the equator receive more direct sunlight
and therefore can produce oxygen faster.
Next, the speed of oxygen production depends
on how much carbon dioxide is in the air. The
more carbon dioxide that is available, the faster
photosynthesis may occur. Increasing the amount of
carbon dioxide in the air results in plants making
more oxygen. We see this happening because of
global warming, where people are increasing
the amount of carbon dioxide in the air by using
fossil fuels like oil and coal.
Last, the temperature of the air affects the
speed of photosynthesis and oxygen production. The
ideal temperature for photosynthesis, and oxygen
production, is from 50 to 68 degrees
Fahrenheit. Any colder or hotter actually
slows down the speed of oxygen production.
Each of these factors can add up and affect the
production of oxygen from photosynthesis.
Thank you again for the nice question.
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