Answer 1:
Every time you describe something, you need to
have a reference point. If someone says
something is small, you might think, “How
small?” A coin is small in my hand, because I
am much bigger than the coin, but a coin is big
enough to squish an ant. When we are talking about
locations, like the earth, we also need reference
points. If you wanted to meet your friend in the
mountains where there aren’t any street addresses,
you might tell them to meet you 100 steps away
from the big round rock that looks like a lizard’s
mouth. The rock is your reference point.
The North and South Poles are natural
reference points for the earth. You can
imagine the earth like a basketball, spinning
between your fingers, as the earth does when it
rotates around the sun. One finger might be the
South Pole; it’s called the “rotation
axis”, which is just one point where the earth
spins. The direct opposite side of that finger
would be like the North Pole. Another good
reference point is the equator. This is the
half-way point between the two poles, making a
circle around the earth. You could stretch a
rubber band around your spinning basketball and
have it the same distance between your two
fingers. The last point of reference for the earth
is called the Prime Meridian. Almost 150
years ago, many countries voted on a certain line
to be the Prime Meridian. For your spinning
basketball, you would stretch another rubber band,
but this time have it make a cross with the other
rubber band.
When you have all four reference points (North
Pole, South Pole, Equator, Prime Meridian), you
can tell anyone where you want to meet them
without needing an address. You just tell them how
close you are to each of those points, and they
can come find you.
The North and South Poles are used because they
are easy for everyone to agree upon as reference
points. It's where the earth rotates (just like
the basketball example used above.) But you could
use anything you wanted to! It’s almost like a
code. You and your friend could always use a big
round rock that looks like a lizard’s mouth as one
of your reference points. Then you could tell each
other how far away from that rock you are when you
want to meet up. But if someone else wanted to use
a different reference point, it might get
confusing: they might not be using the same code
as you. So it’s much easier for everyone to agree
on the same one! That’s what lets GPS work so well
– our cell phones and computers are using the
same reference points as satellites orbiting the
earth and can “talk” to each other in the same
language to help us find our destination.
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