Answer 1:
This is a beautiful question and I am glad that
you asked it. Global warming is a very big
problem. Unfortunately, not everyone believes
that it is real. For example, the president of the
United States, Donald Trump, thinks that there is
no global warming. Therefore, the first big
action you can take is to spread the word!
Make sure people know about the problem. Do
your parents know about it. Do your friends in
school know about it. Or perhaps you use
Facebook. Do your friends on Facebook know about
it. When we all know that climate
change is a big big problem, then we will all try
to find solutions for it.
But what can you do about your
lifestyle? As you know, global warming is
because we produce a lot of carbon dioxide (CO
2 ) that goes into the atmosphere.
CO2 is
produced when we burn oil, gas, and coal.
Airplanes and cars burn a lot of oil,
and we burn a lot of coal and oil when making
electricity and producing food and things to use.
So, you can think about places in your
lifestyle where you can
(1) drive less,
(2) waste less
energy, and
(3) buy and waste less “things” (including food).
When your parents drive you
somewhere with a car, could you take the bus
instead? Or could you drive together with
friends? When you leave the house, are all
the lights turned off? Is your computer turned
Do you often use new bags to go shopping or can
you bring a rucksack or linen bag from
home that you can use multiple times? Are there
times when you leave the water running and
you are not using it (for example when you brush
your teeth)? A lot of things and a lot of
food are thrown away. For example, nearly two
out of five pieces of food end up in the
dumpster instead of our stomach. Do you
throw away a lot of food and a lot of the things
without using them?
Think about whether you can make sure you only
buy the things you
really need. Finally, if you can eat a little
bit less meat, that can also make a difference.
For some changes you can make in the household
you have to talk to your parents (or you can
make them, when you are older). For example,
would your parents be willing to buy their
electricity from a power plant that makes energy
from water, wind, or from the sun? These
energies are called renewable energies and
they do not use oil and coal. If your parents buy
a new car, can they buy a car that uses less
fuel? Big trucks often use a lot of fuel and
burn a lot of oil but there are cars that save
much more energy when driving.
If you are really passionate about climate
change, you can meet other’s that are passionate
about it and try to make people aware of the
problem. There are many organizations out
there that work to make politicians more aware
of this problem. As I said in the beginning, I
think, the biggest issue is that not everyone
realizes how big of a problem global warming is.
I am really happy to hear that you are thinking
about these issues Sarah! Keep on it and our
beautiful planet Earth will thank you!