How many toes does a duck have? |
Question Date: 2018-01-06 |
Answer 1:
Ducks, being dinosaurs, have dinosaur feet:
three toes in front, one in back, up
the leg.
Unlike other dinosaurs, the skin between the
toes forms a web, which is why it looks like they
have those big, triangle-shaped feet.
Answer 2:
Ducks have four toes - three in the front and
one in the back. Even though their feet are
webbed, we can still see the toes very clearly.
Answer 3:
Ducks have 4 toes; 3 are in the front and have
webbing, while the 4th is on the back of the leg. |
Answer 4:
Ducks have four toes! There are three toes
in the front that are connected by webs, and one
foot in the back of its foot that is not connected
to the other three toes. The webbing between
the front toes helps the duck paddle through water
and swim. |
Answer 5:
Like most birds, ducks have 4 toes.
Ducks typically have 3 forward facing toes that
are webbed and one very tiny toe pointing back.
You can see the toes if you look at some pictures
of duck feet, and you can check out some
interesting books on birds (usually with great
pictures) at the library. Click Here to return to the search form.