Answer 1:
Right now we don't have an early warning
system set up for California beyond a test
phase. The current administration in
Washington has decided to cut funding for the
program this year, so that will likely cause a
setback in setting up the warning system. In order
for something like this to be reliable we need
to double the amount of seismic stations, so
that's a big challenge.
Some companies or services do get early warnings
as part of the testing phase though. For
instance, the BART public transportation system
in San Francisco slows down metro/train cars
before the main phase of shaking hits. There
is also going to be an app, which should be
released some time this year. You can download it,
here but it won't give any alerts until the
have finished the testing phase.
Answer 2:
I don't know what alarm systems California
Alarm systems in the Midwest and the east were
originally sirens to alert citizens to impending
Soviet nuclear attacks. They are useful to warn
people of impending tornadoes, too, which
is why we still have them. Tornadoes are much less
frequent in California, and earthquakes, too, are
much less frequent (although much more
destructive). I am pretty sure that California
once had the sirens to alert to impending nuclear
strikes, but do not know if they are still
Mexico city has other problems, too, in
addition to earthquakes. Popocatépetl is an
active, potentially dangerous volcano, and Mexico
City is built in the shadow of it. If Popocatépetl
were to undergo a major eruption, it could
literally kill millions. The Mexican
government's earthquake-alarm precautions may
double as volcano-alarm precautions.
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