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What do plants do with water ? What is going on inside the plants?
Question Date: 2018-02-21
Answer 1:

Because plants absorb water, they can absorb the minerals that are dissolved in water and use the minerals. As for water itself, once it is absorbed by the plant, it gives electrons (small particles with negative electrical charges) to proteins inside the chloroplast thylakoids, which are stacks of small chambers in the chloroplast (containers inside a plant cell - chloroplasts have the green pigment chlorophyll that gives plants their green color). These electrons are used in the photosynthesis process to make molecules (small, complex particles) that carry energy. After giving its electrons, water becomes oxygen, which is released into the surroundings.

Answer 2:

Jasmin, when a plants is in the sun, water can evaporate from its leaves. The evaporation of water from the plants leaves causes water in the rest of the plant to move up to replace it. The water is pulled up through the xylem, what they call the plants “pipes”. Since water is a molecule that likes to stick together, you can imagine the water like a bunch of ropes hanging down throughout the plant. When the top of the rope is pulled, the rest of the rope is moved up. This happens all the way down to the roots, where more water is taken from the soil!

Answer 3:

Remember how sugar and salt dissolve in water. Plants move water around through their bodies, with sugars and salts dissolved in that water.

Plants need some salts in order to grow, and those salts are in the soil, not in the plant, so by sucking up water out of the soil, they also suck up the salts. Sugars are made in the plant's leaves, where the sun strikes them, but in order to feed the rest of the plant's body, the sugars have to be moved down the stem to the roots and so forth. By moving water with these salts and sugars around, the plant feeds itself and keeps itself healthy.

Answer 4:

All living organisms need water in order to live and plants are no exception. While most animals have a skeleton, plants do not and they need something to keep them upright so they can grow tall . Plants actually use water to do this. They absorb water into their cells, which causes them to inflate. These pumped up cells stand up straight and cause the entire plant to stand up tall. If plants do not get enough water, their cells will start to dry out, they will become less sturdy, and the plant will wilt. In addition to structural support, plants use water for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process where plants make their food (a sugar called glucose) from water and carbon dioxide in the air. Whenever you eat an apple, you can thank water and air for being the ingredients for making that apple. Thank you for your question!

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