Answer 1:
By having extreme weather, we can be entertained,
bothered, hurt or killed. I'm entertained when
there's extreme weather that I can see from my
living room windows. If I need to go outside in
extreme weather, I'll probably be bothered. If I
go outside in extreme weather, and a big tree
branch falls down on me because of the storm, I'll
be hurt. That happened to my neighbor's foreign
exchange student. If we're driving in extreme
rain, and our Mercedes convertible skids in the
rain and flips over the freeway overpass onto the
road below and the top comes off the convertible,
we would probably die. Luckily my teacher
survived with only a little bit of injury!
That's all humorous, but it's very sad when
large groups of people can't get away from the
extreme weather, and they are hurt or killed.
Answer 2:
Extreme weather events are destructive.
Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, extreme droughts,
and so on are all extreme weather.
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