I went caving at Lost Creek Falls and saw
something very interesting; a plant. We were ,
maybe (I think), a mile in the cave. When I turned
off my headlamp, I didn’t see any light. My
question is how can a plant grow in a cave without
sunlight for photosynthesis. The plant had a light
green leaf, but doesn’t that mean it gets sun? I
heard about plants that live in 0.04 lighting, but
this plant is very confusing.
Question Date: 2018-06-06 | | Answer 1:
It is possible that the light level, though not
registering as anything to human eyes (which were
probably accustomed to the headlamp light at that
point as well), could be sufficient to enable some
plant growth. This would indicate that you were
still in the
"entrance zone" of the cave or possibly in
"twilight zone".
Green coloring indicates that the plant is one
which is accustomed to receiving sunlight ,
since that is the
best option for plants trying to capture
sunlight. Depending on how frequently people with
headlamps pass through the area or what
infrastructure is in the cave, it is also possible
that this plant is an example of
"lampenflora", which make use of electric
| | Answer 2:
You don't think there was any electric lighting in
the cave? I found this:
Plants That Live in Caves | Sciencing
here .
"Apr 25, 2017 - Plants can also grow in caves
equipped with electric lights. These plants, known
as lampenflora, tend to be less vibrant in
color and somewhat disfigured. Typically,
lampenflora aremosses, ferns and algae.
link is also interesting . I can't find
anything about plants in the Lost Creek Falls
cave, but it looks like a beautiful place.
I'm guessing there must be the '0.04 lighting' you
mention in the cave, but I agree, it's surprising
and amazing.
| | Answer 3:
That is indeed curious. Was the plant that you
encountered rooted, or was it just sitting
there? Based on your description, I would say
the most likely answer is that somebody else
brought it in before you and it did not have time
to wilt yet. If it was rooted, then this leaves a
couple of possibilities:
(1) there wasn't light when you were there,
but there is light at a different time of day or
some such that allows for photosynthesis;
(2) the shoot was connected via its roots
to another shoot elsewhere that was
photosynthesizing. (2) is pretty unlikely because
most plants can tell if they're in the dark and
won't make chlorophyll, instead waiting for
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