Answer 1:
The Earth's core is a mixture of Fe-Ni
alloy, but there are also some lighter
elements in there as well (we don't know exactly
what, but speculate that there may be K, Rb,
Si, or some other lower-density
elements).Why is the core Fe-Ni metal?
Well, it all comes down to two things:
density, and a process called 'planetary
Our solar system is ~4.56 billion years old,
and while the Earth was forming, it accreted a lot
of material and (heat) energy, and was hit by a
multitude of meteorites (putting more energy into
the earth's system). All of this heat, combined
with radioactive decay of some of the elements
within the Earth, basically resulted in Earth
spending the first bit of its existence as a
homogeneous, well-mixed, molten bleb of a
Enter planetary differentiation. As the
Earth cooled, different parts of it developed
contrasting densities and compositions (see below
picture). The denser parts of the earth (i.e.,
the Fe-Ni core) gravitated towards the center of
our planet, while those parts of the earth (i.e.,
mantle, crust) separated out more towards the
surface. The same concept is demonstrated by
pouring canola oil, water, corn syrup, and salt
water into a bottle. Over time, their contrasting
densities will order themselves so that the most
dense material is on the bottom, and the least
dense is on the top.
Earth Core
I hope this helped better your understanding of
why the Earth's core is Fe-rich. Have a great day!
Answer 2:
Iron is one of the most abundant elements in our
solar system because it is the heaviest element
can be fused in stars (all of the elements heavier
than Fe are formed during supernovae). So there
was a lot of iron around when the solar system
formed and therefore, there is a lot of iron in
the Earth. (Side note - the Earth and the other
rocky planets have basically the same chemical
composition). Iron is denser than the other major
elements in the Earth like oxygen, silicon, and
magnesium, so iron quite simply sank to the center
of the Earth during the early stages of our
planet's formation.
When the Earth formed, it was
wayyy hotter than today and likely existed in a
state we call a "magma ocean", so it was
much more
simple for the iron to settle through liquid to
the center of the planet than today when the
mantle is solid rock. Iron took the other heavy
element, Ni, with it, so our core is made up of
Fe-Ni alloy.
There are some other elements
sprinkled in the core as well, and determining the
exact chemical composition of the core is a very
actively researched and debated topic right now.
All of the other rocky planets also have an iron
core, and there are several asteroids that are
large enough to go through this process of core
separation called differentiation.
Answer 3:
The crust and mantle are composed mainly of
silicates. While some minerals contain both iron
and silicates, iron is one of the first things to
separate from silicate minerals when they melt.
Iron is also much denser than silicates. During
the first few tens of millions of years in our
planet's history, Earth melted due to heat from
impacts and decay of radioactive elements. Since
iron is much denser than silicates and does not
mix easily with them, the iron sank down to the
center of the earth.