Answer 3:
Your tongue is attached to the soft tissue of
your lower jaw and a small bone in your neck
called the hyoid bone. It’s basically a big
muscle topped with a layer that gives important
information to your brain about flavor,
temperature, and touch. It helps us taste, talk,
swallow, chew, even keep our teeth clean.
The tongue of a woodpecker is so long that it
wraps around its whole skull. It uses its tongue
for hunting. Check out the pictures:
woodpecker tongues
Anteaters, frogs, and certain lizards also
hunt with their tongues. A frog’s tongue is
attached to the front of its jaw, but not the
back. This may allow it to “throw” its tongue
further out. A lot of these animals that hunt with
their tongues have sticky tongues, but some
have tongues with barbs.
Giraffes gather leaves off thorny trees with their
long tongues. Their tongues also have a very dark
color. Can you think why? For an answer,
giraffes tongue
Thanks for asking,