Answer 1:
You have asked how you can make a spider web at
home. This is a very complicated question. Spider
webs are made of spider silk. Although
spiders make it look easy, it is a very hard
material to make. Spiders are able to make
their silk from building blocks that they can
obtain easily in nature without using extreme heat
or pressure. Spider silk is one of the
strongest materials found in nature. It is
made of a protein fibre.
Spiders make silk for many different purposes
and they make it differently to suit each purpose.
Some spider silks are among the strongest
materials in the world. Plus, they are
incredibly stretchy! If humans could figure
out how to make spider silk, it could have many
practical applications. However, so far we have
found no efficient way to make spider silk other
than to harvest the silk made by spiders.
So unfortunately, I think the answer for now
is that we scientists don't know how you can make
a spider web at home, however hopefully we will
figure out this problem soon!
I hope this helps.
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