Answer 1:
Yes, for example, the so called
"Kepler-39b" is considered as a planet that
is 18 times heavier than Jupiter.
Kepler-39b orbits its host star, Kepler-39, which
is about 3,560 light-years away from the solar
Answer 2:
Planets larger than Jupiter are common.
Planets can be up to about thirteen times
the mass
of Jupiter. With more than that, objects would
have enough mass to support fusion of deuterium,
which makes them brown dwarfs, objects that
quite stars but aren't really planets either.
Answer 4:
In our solar system, Jupiter is the largest in
terms of both size (diameter) and mass. Outside
our solar system, there is a large planet called
Kepler-39b (
read here ) that is both more massive and
larger in size than Jupiter. A larger mass does
not always imply a bigger planet in terms of the
planet’s diameter.
Above a certain mass, the atoms inside large
planets will begin to compress with so much force
that adding more mass will actually shrink the
planet’s size. For example, Kepler-39b is 18 x
more massive than Jupiter, but only 1.2 x bigger
in size. There are also very large, “fluffy”
planets, which have a bigger radius than Jupiter,
but have much less mass than Jupiter. An example
is the planet WASP-17b (
learn more here ) which is ~2x larger than
Jupiter, but has only half the mass. Click Here to return to the search form.