Answer 1:
This is an interesting question. There is
indeed water on Mars, but it is not necessarily
bad for us! In fact, because there is water on
Mars, it may be an indication that people could
live there one day! This does not mean, however,
that we would want to drink the water that is
currently there as it is. Most of the water on
Mars currently exists as ice, or as briny
solutions in some parts of the soil. We would not
want to drink briny water in the soil on Earth, so
we would not want to drink such water elsewhere
To answer the second part of your question:
as far as we know, there is no life on
Mars. It is thought that finding water on
other planets or moons may be a first step to
finding extraterrestrial life, since it is
necessary to all the kinds of living organisms we
have encountered so far. However, we are
interested in space exploration not just to find
other life, but to understand how the universe
came to be and what else is out there. I hope
this helps! |
Answer 2:
No one knows if there is presently life
on Mars or
if there was life in the past there that has
become extinct.
What we do know is that IF there is
life, it is microbial. That is there are no
or animals. Basically, we will not really know
until we go there or study it with very
sophisticated robots. |
Answer 3:
There is no proof that life exists on Mars but
there is evidence that may suggest there is or was
life on Mars.
A meteorite was found in Antarctica
that came from Mars and some of the chemicals and
fossilized patterns found on the meteorite could
possibly have originated from a living organism
that was similar to bacteria. However, there is
much controversy on whether or not the chemicals
and fossilized patterns actually originated from
Mars or are contaminants from the environment in
More recently scientists have
discovered that the gas methane exists in the Mars
atmosphere which suggests that either a volcano
had recently erupted causing the methane gas or a
life-form similar to some bacteria on Earth is
metabolizing carbon dioxide and hydrogen,
producing the methane gas. Other gases and
chemicals in the Mars atmosphere are metabolic
waste-products of certain life-forms on Earth,
suggesting that life may have caused these
chemicals to exist on Mars.
I think there is a
pretty good chance of life having existed on Mars
and maybe still existing today. But I think that
any life forms on Mars will be very primitive,
similar to bacteria and microbial life on Earth. Click Here to return to the search form.