Answer 1:
This is being researched right now. You can
probably imagine that there are some circumstances
where a fetus can’t be carried to term because of
the mother’s health. A fertilized egg or early
embryo can just be transferred into the uterus of
another female of the same species, but things
are not that simple later on in development.
Right now, scientists are working on growing lambs
inside an artificial uterus in hopes of someday
making it a way to save very premature babies. You
can see the setup and story at:
premature lambs .
Right now, there are many questions and potential
problems with the procedure, and it will
probably take years before it could even be tested
on humans. Because there are so many risks,
and it would probably be very expensive, it
would probably only be used in rare or extreme
Can you think of some legal or ethical
questions that this technology might raise?
Thanks for asking, |