Answer 1:
This is a very good question, one that is still
a topic of scientific research. Here is the basic
The solar system formed from a cloud of
cold gas that collapsed due to gravity (gravity is
the force that keeps us attached to Earth). A
big glob (semiliquid substance) of stuff formed in
the center and eventually became the sun.
Meanwhile, some of the cloud material orbited
around the proto-sun (the gaseous
cloud that underwent gravitational collapse to
form the sun) and flattened into a disk. In the
disk, some matter came together to form small
planetoids that slowly grew.
The matter that was closer to the center
was also warmer so only the more dense stuff such
as metals and rocks combined together to form
planets; the warm gas was moving too fast to
get caught.
Farther away, everything was cooler so
gases like hydrogen and helium could also get
sucked up by the new planets. So the planets
closer to the sun (Mercury, Venus,Earth, and Mars)
are small and rocky while the ones farther away
(Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) are big
gas giants.
The rings seem to be partly made of frozen
gases which don't exist closer to the sun. So
the bottom line is that the farther away gas
giants are much more likely to be able to form and
keep rings than the inner rocky planets.
Neptune has rings too. In fact Saturn is
not the only planet in our solar system that has
rings, all the giant gas planets have them:
Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. However, these other
ring systems are extremely thin and almost
impossible to see. Planets like the Earth,
Mars or Venus are made of rocky material and have
no rings. |
Answer 2:
formation of rings around planets is still a
matter of debate.
Two theories are that the fragments which
comprise them are (1) remnants leftover
from the formation of the planet which,
due to gravity from the planet, were unable to
coalesce into a moon; or (2) the pieces of a
moon which was destroyed, such as by an
impact. While the best-known rings of our solar
system, those of Saturn, are primarily water ice,
the rings of Uranus are darker. This suggests that
they contain more rocky material than those of
Saturn, supporting the hypothesis of formation by
breakup of a moon or planet.
Another mystery is why the outer, gaseous
planets of our solar system have rings, but the
inner, rocky planets do not. As
here and on
ScienceLine here, this may stem from activity
early in the history of our
solar system. Essentially, the solar wind
from the sun pushed the lighter elements out of
the inner solar system. The remaining heavy
elements formed the rocky planets there. In
the outer regions, lower temperatures made moon
formation easier.
These moons apparently help to keep the ring
material around the planets (and breaking up the
moons may replenish ring material which does
escape). As a result, the outer planets are
believed to have formed and retained rings while
the inner did not.
In general, the other planets are
too small and distant to have significant
influence over conditions on Earth.
However, recent evidence suggests that Venus
(and Jupiter) slightly warp the orbit of Earth
such that there are
cycles in
the climate. These two have an effect because
Venus is the closest planet to Earth and is
decently massive (only slightly less than Earth),
while Jupiter, though more distant, is so
massive that the gravitational effects are
detectable The cycles affect temperatures
(e.g. hotter or colder summers) as well as periods
of drought/wetness.
These cycles have a period of around 405,000
years, with the current cycle probably beginning
around 200,000 years ago. Click Here to return to the search form.