Answer 4:
major roles of
eggs for baking cupcakes are that of
binder and that of leavening agent.
Being a binder essentially means that eggs are
what hold the cupcake together. Removing the
eggs means that there is less holding together the
rest of the ingredients. One can see how this
would be problematic in trying to make cupcakes.
Leavening agents add volume. Without a
leavener, the cupcakes would be smaller, flatter,
and denser (though cupcake recipes often include
other leaveners besides eggs). Other contributions
of eggs are tenderizing the crumb and adding
Like eggs,
milk makes
several contributions in
One of the
more important properties of milk in baking is
that it is wet. This allows it
to hydrate the dry ingredients so that chemical
reactions can take place and dissolve the sugar
(which helps to distribute it). This is not
exclusive to milk though; water will also hydrate
the dry ingredients. However, milk also
contains proteins, fats, and sugars. The
proteins help to strengthen the batter so
it can better capture gas bubbles which make it
rise, and also contribute moisture. The fats and
sugar help with absorption of water and
lead to a moister, more tender product. They
also add flavor, which water lacks.
Further information on the roles many baking
ingredients can be found on
ScienceLine here.
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