Answer 3:
Here's the best answer I found - it's in a
scientific publication:
Before commenting on the reading of this article,
yo have to know that the unit to measure acidity
is pH, which stands for potential of
Hydrogen. A pH value is a number from 1 to 14.
7 as the middle (neutral) point; alues below 7
indicate acidity which increases as the number
decreases, 1 being the most acidic.
Going back to the article, the answers are
confusing, because one type of
monkey has a weak stomach acid [pH 6], and another
type of monkey has a stronger stomach acid [pH 2].
Llamas have a stomach pH of 7, which isn't an
acid at all. Camels' stomachs have pH 6.
Echidna's and sloths have stomach pH's of 7. All
the other animals and birds in the list have
stomachs with acids that are at least a little
weaker than these.
The article says there isn't much data about
the strength of stomach acids so the numbers
might change if there were more data - if the
animals' stomachs were tested again.
When I searched for your exact question,
"What animal has the weakest stomach acid?"
I got answers from less scientific sites.
ScienceLine has an interesting answer about
stomach acid and digestion:
Can you tell me the animals with the strongest
stomach acid?
Click Here to return to the search form.