Answer 1:
This is a tricky question. First, there is no gravity in space, so there is no difference between “up” and “down” and “sideways.” So it doesn’t make sense to think about the “bottom” of space. But could there be an “edge” to space (whether you call it a “floor” or “ceiling” or “wall”)?
It is usually impossible to prove that something doesn’t exist. So, to answer your question, there could be a floor! We can’t prove that it doesn’t exist, but it has never been observed.
Scientists observe objects in space using instruments that can detect light and other forms of radiation. The powerful Hubble telescope has detected objects over 10 billion light years away! So, we know that space extends at least that far. Until proven otherwise, most scientists believe that space extends in all directions with no boundary or edge.
Here is a link about how we observe far-away objects in space: what is in space. Click Here to return to the search form.