If a giant squid has a soft body, how can it
survive in such deep water pressure, when even
the best submarines can't got as deep that deep?
Question Date: 2004-09-23 | | Answer 1:
The simple answer is that fluids are
incompressible, whereas air (in the sub) is
not. There are four phases of matter: solid,
liquid, gas, and plasma. Solids and liquids have a
constant physical volume, and that volume does not
change regardless of the pressure. Gasses and
plasma expand to fill whatever volume they are
contained within, and the pressure they exert is
determined by their density within their container
and their pressure.
Now, a submarine is basically a metal
container filled with air, and there is just
enough air in a submarine to exert the atmospheric
pressure at sea level. If the submarine
goes underwater, the amount of air within it does
not change (unless there is a leak, of course), so
the pressure within the sub remains the same. The
pressure outside the sub, however, is determined
by the depth. As a result, you have a tremendous
difference in the pressure inside the sub (which
pushes the walls of the sub outward), and the
pressure outside it (which acts to crush it). If
the difference is too much that the net pressure
is too great for the walls of the sub to
withstand, it collapses.
A squid, on the other hand, contains no
air; its blood is liquid and its
flesh solid. It is under the same colossal
pressure from the weight of the water, but since
the material that it is made of is
incompressible, it exerts the same pressure
back, holding it up. | | Answer 2:
The secret is that the soft body does not
attempt to "stand up to" the external
pressure.It's really the pressure
DIFFERENCE between inside and outside that
crushes the sub. Imagine you and a friend on 2
sides of a swinging door. If your friend pushes
on the door, even a little harder than you are
pushing the door, the door will open toward you.
If you are both pushing an equal amount, it
doesn't matter how hard you are both pushing, the
door won't move.
A sub always has a pressure inside that is
about equal to the air pressure at sea level
(let's call it "1 atmosphere"). If the outside is
also equal to 1 atmosphere there's no pressure
difference and no strain on the shell (hull) of
the sub. At 10 meters below the surface, the
pressure is 2 atmospheres. At 100 meters below the
surface, it's 10 atmospheres, or 10 times the
pressure outside as inside. In other words, a 10
meter increase in depth causes another 1
atmosphere of pressure. This can be a powerful
crushing force.
The squid, on the other hand (or tentacle), has
no big air space in the middle of its body. It is
at "equilibrium" with the water, meaning
that the pressure is the same inside and out. So
there's no pressure difference, just like
when both you and your friend were pushing on the
door with the same amount of force.
Here are some questions for you:
If you cut big holes in your submarine and
let it sink to the bottom of the ocean, would
it be crushed? If I collected some sea animals at
the bottom of the ocean and quickly took them to
the surface, what do you think would
| | Answer 3:
Before I can answer your question I should
first explain what pressure is. By definition,
pressure is the amount of force that is exerted
per unit of area on a surface. As you may
know, the pressure (again, force per unit area)
exerted by our Earth's atmosphere at sea-level is
about 15 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). The water
pressure one mile deep in the ocean (about the
depth where giant squid seem to live) averages
about 2,500 PSI. So if a submarine dove 1 mile
deep, every square inch of the outside of its hull
would be pressed on by 2,500 pounds of force.
Because the hull is sealed air-tight, the only
force pressing back on the inside of the hull,
against all that 2,500 PSI outside, is the 15PSI
of air pressure that the sailors live in. The
other 2,485 PSI from outside must be held back by
the strength of the hull's metal structure.
Most submarine hulls are not strong enough to
withstand such force, and would be crushed,
allowing the outside water pressure to rush in and
fill up the low pressure space inside.
Actually, your statement that "even the best
submarine submarines can't go as deep" may not be
entirely true. The US Navy is very secretive
about the maximum depth capabilities of their
current fleet of submarines.
See these links for examples of some very
deep-diving craft: deep-diving
But back to the squid. To answer your
question, the reason why this same 2,500 PSI does
not harm the squid is that, unlike the submarine,
the squid's body is not sealed tight with a
low-pressure area inside.The squid's body has
the same pressure inside as the water outside.
Because the squid's body is almost entirely liquid
and some solid (remember that solids and
especially liquids strongly resist being
compressed), every PSI exerted from outside the
squid by the seawater is balanced by PSI exerted
on the seawater from inside the squid. There is
no low pressure space inside the squid that can be
crushed by outside pressure. However, if you
were to suddenly bring a squid (or any other
deep-sea creature) to the surface of the ocean,
where the outside pressure is only 15 PSI, the
extra 2,485 PSI pressing out from inside would
immediately kill it. This happens because the
gases dissolved under high pressure in the squid's
body fluids will violently boil out under the
sudden low pressure, causing massive tissue
damage. This phenomenon is know to divers as
"the bends", and has crippled and killed many
divers who surfaced too quickly after spending
time deep underwater at high pressure. This is
one of many reasons why deep diving is extremely
dangerous. | | Answer 4:
This is a great question... it shows you're
thinking about how conditions change in the ocean
with depth and how such changes might limit what
kinds of animals can live there. The answer to
your question involves the difference in
compressibility ("squeezability") of water
versus air.
Air (or gas) is very compressible,
which means as pressure increases, its volume
decreases greatly. To put this into practical
terms: if you were able to swim down to 100ft
while holding your breath (very few people can do
this without passing out), your lungs would be
only 12.5% the size they were at the surface!
[This isn't true for SCUBA divers.]
The problem with submarines is that you don't
want the air space inside to shrink to 12.5% of
it's original size when you send it down to 100ft,
so you have to design the outside of the sub to
tolerate huge pressures without cracking or
collapsing. It's just as if you were putting the
submarine inside a giant trash compactor and
squeezing it. Because submarines are made of
metal, and metal can only withstand a certain
amount of pressure before buckling or
collapsing, the strength of the metal
and the design of the sub determines its ultimate
depth limit. In reality, a submarine pilot would
never take a sub anywhere near that
Why won't a giant squid - or the
huge sperm whales that chase and eat them - suffer
the same fate? The tissues of the giant squid
are mostly made of water. The tissues of sperm
whales, their predators, are mostly made of water
and fat (blubber). Both water and fat are
almost incompressible. You can squeeze them
all you like but their volume basically remains
the same. [If you filled your lungs with water and
dove to 100ft, the size of your lungs wouldn't
To avoid the problem of pressure, many animals
that live very deep in the ocean do not have
any air spaces inside their bodies (e.g. the
fish have oil-filled swim bladders or no swim
bladders at all). This means the crushing pressure
really doesn't affect them. Pressure does affect
chemical reactions, so it may change their
metabolism and growth rate, but it won't cause
them to collapse or shrink.
Sperm whales, on the other hand, have very
large lungs. How do they survive the pressure
encountered on a dive as deep as 9,000ft?
Like many marine mammals, sperm whales have
adapted to tolerate the effects of increased
pressure when they dive in search of food.
Sperm whales have a flexible rib cage to allow
their lungs to collapse at depth and expand again
at the surface. Imagine the discomfort you would
feel if your lungs were squeezed into the size of
a golf ball!
Some people compete to see how deep they can
swim while holding their breath, using a motorized
sled to go down and balloons to ascend. These
divers describe having to get over the discomfort
of having crushed lungs and saltwater invade their
ears and sinuses. These divers have only managed
to go about 500ft deep. Click Here to return to the search form.
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