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What is carbonite?
Question Date: 2020-04-09
Answer 1:

Carbonite can refer to a few different things.

1. "Carbonite" is the name of an explosive material used for coal mining, similar to dynamite. These explosives usually consist of nitroglycerine, which is VERY explosive, mixed with different substances to make it a little bit less dangerous. Carbonite contains less of the explosive nitroglycerin than dynamite, and more of other materials that absorb some of the heat. This makes it safer for use in mining. If you are interested in learning more about the history of explosives, here is a detailed article from Scientific American:
The history of explosives.

2. In chemistry, Carbonite is sometimes used as the name for a chemical that results when carbon dioxide gets extra electrons and takes on a negative electrical charge (Note: when an atom, or group of atoms becomes electrically charged, it is called an "ion"). Some chemists have found that this ion (carbonite) can react with some metals like Lithium to form a salt. Chemically speaking, a "salt" just means that two oppositely charged atoms stick together to form a new compound. Table salt, or sodium chloride, is one example of a salt. But the Carbonite ion is not very stable- if it encounters oxygen, it will react with it and turn into a different chemical- so you are not likely to encounter it!

3. Carbonite is also the name of a fictional substance in Star Wars. In the movie, they can freeze living organisms in Carbonite. While this substance doesn't really exist, it is similar to "dry ice", which is solid carbon dioxide, and exists at low temperatures (below -109 degrees Fahrenheit)! Dry ice is used in science experiments to freeze things very quickly. It can be used to freeze simple organisms like bacteria, which can survive the process, and be thawed later. But at this point, it is not possible to freeze more complicated life forms (like humans).

Answer 2:

Without other details, I am assuming Arron means the carbonite from the Star Wars universe. In this case, carbonite is a made-up substance which starts as some kind of liquid that is then turned solid through a similarly fictional "carbon-freezing" process. From the name and the associated process, this fictional material is a type of carbon, perhaps imagined to be a new structural form (allotrope) analogous to the real pure-carbon materials diamond and graphite.

Carbonite freezing is perhaps based on the concept of cryonics or cryopreservation, which currently is considered a pseudoscience with no sound basis. Unlike in the Star Wars movies, no one preserved by cryonics has been revived, uploaded, or otherwise "reborn".

Other (likely not intended) possibilities for carbonite include a mining explosive, the anion [CO2]2-/sup>, and a data-backup service.

Answer 3:

Carbonite can refer to many different things depending on the context, but in chemistry it usually refers to salts of carbonic acid. In other words, chemicals with a CO3 (2-) polyatomic ion which were formed by the reaction of H2CO3 and a base.

Answer 4:

There are multiple meanings of the word "carbonite".

One is an explosive used to mine coal, which includes nitroglycerin, sawdust, a nitrate (like sodium nitrate), sulfur, and diatom shells (diatomaceous earth).

A second is an ion consisting of a carbon and two oxygens, with a total -2 electric charge.

You may also be thinking of the Star Wars carbonite, which is entirely fictional.

Answer 5:

Carbonite is different things. Is carbonite a real thing?

1.Carbonite (explosive), one of the earliest and most successful coal-mining explosives.

2. Carbonite (ion), an unstable form of formic acid.

3. Carbonite = carbonite.com, a company that does online backup.

4. Carbonite (Star Wars), a fictional substance, most notably used to imprison Han Solo in the film The Empire Strikes Back.

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