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Is there some technological development or research going to reduce the intensities of natural calamities or like divert the path of maybe cyclones or water floods etc? I know humans need to take care of nature but still in some way they do not.
Question Date: 2020-07-20
Answer 1:

People have been interested in controlling the weather for a long time and have tried various ways of doing this but have not been very successful so far. Flood control, on the other hand, is practiced practically anywhere people are near water. Some common techniques are the use of dams to control how much water is coming down a river or stream at one time or levees and floodwalls to hold floodwater back from areas needing protection. Sometimes engineers line stream channels with concrete so that they are smoother and water moves through faster.

On the other hand, many of these "hard infrastructure" techniques come with unintended consequences such as increased flooding wherever there are not walls, a lack of sediment that the floodwaters would have otherwise deposited on land, and loss of habitat. In some cases, catching stormwater in basins and rain gardens and letting it soak into the ground before it flows into a stream and causes it to flood can be a better approach. Also, it is always good practice to avoid building anything on a floodplain in the first place.

Answer 2:

We do not presently have any technological abilities that meaningfully control the weather, although dumping the salt, silver iodide, into the air can cause clouds to form. Floods can be diverted by digging channels for them, assuming that the channels contain enough volume which they won't if the flood is too large.

Answer 3:

Yes, people are working to prevent all sorts of natural calamities or catastrophes. It's hard to know how hard to work to prevent big natural calamities and how much to work - and spend - to deal with the ordinary problems of hunger and homelessness and car traffic and everything else! There is some work being done to detect asteroids before they hit the earth and to push them away from earth, for example.

I lived by the Pacific Ocean in Isla Vista, and parts of some houses fell off the cliff above the ocean as you can see from this picture. You can see how they put poles under the house to try to keep it from falling off the cliff. I think there were long 'railroad car' houses where part of the house fell off, but I can't find a picture for any of those.

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