Answer 1:
The California red-legged frog is found
primarily in wetlands and streams in coastal
drainages of central California. Its historic
range extended from Point Reyes National Seashore,
coastally, and Redding, California, inland
southward to northwestern Baja California.
California red-legged frogs have been
documented in the past in 46 counties in
California. Today they are known to occur in about
238 streams or drainage in 23 counties. They are
still locally abundant within portions of the San
Francisco Bay area (including Marin County) and
the central coast. Monterey, San Luis Obispo, and
Santa Barbara counties support the greatest amount
of currently occupied habitat. Only four areas
within the entire historic range of the subspecies
may currently support more than 350 adults.
Within the remaining distribution of the
species, only isolated populations have been
documented in the Sierra Nevada, northern Coast,
and northern Transverse ranges. The species is
believed to be extirpated from the southern
Transverse and Peninsular ranges, but is still
present in Baja California, Mexico. Click Here to return to the search form.