Answer 1:
If you play every frequency of sound audible to
the human ear at the same time and at the same
amplitude it will produce white noise.
White noise gets its name from white
light, which is a combination of all the different
wavelengths of visible light. A prism taken in white light and breaks it into its different components based on its wavelength, thereby producing red light, green light, etc.
Similarly, white noise is a combination of
all the different audible wavelengths of sound
combined into one. Because white noise contains
all frequencies, it is frequently used to mask
other sounds. As an example,think of this:
When you're sitting in a hotel room and
are having trouble sleeping because the people
next door are talking, you turn on the fan to
"drown out" the noise. What you are essentially
doing is producing white noise with the fan. When
you are listening in on two people talking, your
brain can usually tune in on one of the people and
understand what they are saying. The same is true
for three and probably four people. But if you are
listening to a room full of 1,000 people talking,
your brain has trouble picking out one
conversation. The reason being is that a room full
of 1,000 people talking sounds a lot like white
noise. So, when you turn on that fan in your hotel
room you are essentially creating a source of
1,000 voices. Therefore,adding on the one next
door to make it 1,001 doesn't really sound any
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