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286 questions in the Category: geography.

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1: Why do some parts of the ocean turn over, while others do not?
2: What are the global consequences of all the fires burning in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e. Western U.S., Russia etc.) Would there be any connection with the amount of rain for the season, since water vapor must have something to condense on. THANK YOU
3: How come the water in the Bahamas and in Hawaii is so clear and in Santa Barbara and Monterey the water is not?
4: I have several questions: Here in the US, we are taught that there are 7 continents, but I have met several internationals who say there are only 5. Which count is correct? Second, in which continent does the Middle East lie (and is Egypt considered part of the Middle East)? Relatedly, which countries constitute the following: the Near East, the Middle East, and the Far East (and according to whom?) Is Central America considered part of North America or South America?
5: Did scientists find dinosaur fossils all over the world or are there places(continents) where they found none? Did scientists ever found a fossil of an egg?
6: On many maps and globes, there is a figure 8/infinity symbol--vertically placed in the middle of the map. We have a geochrom map in our library. A dark sphere traverses the "infinity symbol." What does this represent? Please explain so that we can explain it to our third graders and their parents.
7: On the geochrom map, when it explains time zones, it shows there being some parts on the globe that have fractional parts of an hour, for example, the center of Australia is the time zone of Japan +30. This is new to us. Why do some parts of the globe have fractional parts of an hour instead of one complete hour? Thank you very much.
8: I would like to know more information about why is there bacteria in the Santa Barbara creeks?
9: Was Atlantis real or was it a myth?
10: Why exactly is Iraq on the map geologically speaking? What does this have to do with plate tectonics? What specific types of geologic features could be found over there? For examples: Is there any threat of earthquakes over there?
11: I've heard a little about salt glaciers in Iraq. I understand salt deposits can form along with oil. How large are these salt glaciers and how exactly are these formed?
12: Are there specific weather patterns that would make these massive sand storms we keep hearing about on the news about Iraq? If so, does it have something to do with the weather coming off the Mediterranean Sea?
13: What do the temperartures along the equator measure?
14: When I was in Germany I watched the sunset and the sun went down really slowly. Then I came back to Goleta and I watched the sunset and the sun went down really fast. Why is that?
15: Hi. My name is Parisa. I am a seventh grader at Santa Barbara Junior High. I am doing a research report on the blunt-nosed Leopard lizard (Gambelia Silus). A part of what we have to do is to e-mail an organization. So, I have a couple questions for you. My first question is how long have blunt-nosed leopard lizards been around? My second question is what kind of environment does the lizard live in? Thank You, Parisa P.S.
16: What is the current and historic range of the California Red-Legged Frog?
17: How much will the sea level rise if we don't stop global warming?
18: How does wind erosion affect the plant and animal life in the Ventura/Santa Barbara area?
19: Can all the continents go back to Pangaea?
20: What is the likelihood of a new volcano forming a new island in, or around, the Hawaiian Islands?
21: What are the various parts of the Himalayas called?
22: About how many kilometers is the distance around the earth at the equator?
23: I heard that the continents are constantly forming back to Pangea at the same rate as your fingernail. Is this true? How long will it take for the continents to form Pangea again?
24: What caused the planes in the Bermuda triangle to go down?
25: What affect does the earth's tilt have on the seasons?
26: How do tornadoes start?
27: What would it happen if the world were covered with water?
28: What is the difference between a hurricane and a tornado?
29: How does your landmass compare to the drawing of pangaea?
30: Is the giant squid still alive?
31: How long can a tree live?
32: How fast is the Earth's rotation in Santa Barbara?
33: One of my students asked me if Southern California was separating from the rest of the continent. If this is happening: 1. At what rate is it happening? 2. What's causing the movement (San Andreas or a different fault?) 3. And when would Southern California be completely separate? (My student seems to think it would be in the next 30 years?). Thank you!!
34: I want to know about Tundra. I think they are awesome and would like to know more about them. I also want to know, do Eskimos hibernate?
35: How often does the earth change its magnetic north?
36: In plate tectonics -- An example of divergent oceanic plates would be the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, but can you give an example of divergent continental plates and where they are located?
37: We have learned that both ocean waves and currents are caused by winds on the ocean's surface. We know waves carry energy, although the actual water molecules stay in place. However, currents carry water, unlike waves. How are the "winds' different that cause these different situations?
38: What plates does the san Andrea fault separate? What type of fault is the san Andreas?
39: What is the current population of the point arena mountain beaver?
I am doing a report on them and the most recent I can find is from 1997

40: How do mountains form?
41: How do tsunamis form? What are some signs that a tsunami is coming or if one is near? What should you do if you are at the beach and a tsunami approaches?
42: What is global warming causing?
43: Why almost people in Europe have blue eyes and blonde hair? Thanks.
44: How can you indentify an index contour in a topographic map?
45: What is useful of a topographic map?
46: Can you tell me how space can be a limiting factor for a population? Can you give me some examples?
47: How do the areas of sunlight in the two hemispheres change over the year?
48: Where did the energy for Pangaea come from?
49: If energy is destructive then how did the "big bang" make the earth?
50: (Scientists have said that all the ice in the north pole will be gone by the end of this summer) Will the ice melting this summer cause global flooding, will if affect the ice covering greenland, and will it affect the North Atlantic Current?
51: What occurs at plate boundaries that are associated with seafloor spreading?
52: Was the Santa Barbara Channel formed by a glacier or was it formed by plate tectonics? Also, how did it become so deep because I was told it might have been formed by Santa Clara river draining into the channel over millions of years? Thank you very much
53: Desertification is increasingly becoming more of a problem, is there a way to reverse it once the damage is done.

We are currently doing a research project on how the deposition of gold in California helped shape the history of California.

We are wondering how much gold & silver is left to be mined in California. I'm assuming it's a lot but I just can't remember how much. Also, Where are most of the gold mines in use currently in California, like The Mojave Desert?

Where is gold currently being deposited around the world today? I've heard, as a geology teacher, that it's currently being deposited in the Long Valley Caldera but are there other areas in the world?

55: Which are the types of plate boundaries where volcanic eruptions can occur?
56: Why doesn't Europe have a cold climate more similar to that of Alaska and northern Canada?
57: Dear UCSB, My partner and I are conducting a science fair research project on Lichen and how it can be used to date man-made stone structures, Particularly Knapp's Castle in Santa Barbra. We were wondering if elevation affects Lichen growth?
58: Hi! Thanks for the information. I was wondering, what would Antarctica really look like if all its ice melted? What would the world look like if all of the ice at Antarctica melted?
59: Is it possible that all the continents will move back together and form Pangaea again?
60: Which pole is colder, north or south?
61: It has been said that some polar bears spend part of the year on land in warmer climates. If this is the case, then why can't we move the polar bears that are drowning in the arctic climates, due to melting ice caps, and bring them to the land to adapt like some polar bears do year around?
62: Thanks for your help on my previous questions, this is another related question that I was also wondering about: How can one determine the range of destruction (how big of an area will be destroyed, etc...) of an object that would impact the earth? In large scale situations, what would be the affects for countries hundreds or thousands of miles away? How could you know if a country far away from the impact would be safe - or not?
63: In class we learned that the density of tectonic plates determines which converging plate will subduct. What would happen in the case of two oceanic plates that have equal density? Would the both try and subduct, resulting in a big v- formation / trench thing? Are there any locations on earth where two identically-dense oceanic plates meet? Thanks.
64: I've heard that along the 101 between Ventura and Carp that you can see the shelves created by uplift. There are obvious shelves at Mussel Shoals but I can't tell if they are due to freeway construction [like at the Rincon]or not. Can you give me lat/long for the location of the shelves due to uplift please! Thanks!
65: Where is the wettest land mass on Earth?
66: How do you Earth Scientists see fractals along the coasts?
67: Why doesn't the earth sink?
68: How much Oxygen does the air have in it?
69: How much Oxygen does the air have in it at 20 feet above sea level?
70: How long does it take for mountains to grow(in years/decades)?
71: Why is the Dead Sea so salty?
72: How does the Coriolis Effect affect the weather on Earth? Does the Coriolis Effect work in the same way above and below the equator?
73: How did the "Ring Of Fire" come to be? Or form?
74: What percentage of Earth are rocks, compared to soil and water?
75: How was Continental Drift and Inter Continental distance measured before satellite technology available and how accurate was it
76: What occurs at plate boundaries that are associated with seafloor spreading?
77: Are there more hurricanes in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, than in the South? If this is true, can you tell me why?
78: Can you enplain what caused the last big earthquake in Japan?
79: I can see different layers of soil emerging from the Ocean at the beach when there is low tide. How were these layers formed?
80: Why mantle plumes are narrow?
81: Which type of waves do we have when there is an earthquake?
82: How do basalt and ultramafic rocks from the oceanic lithosphere become part of mountain belts?
83: Why does plate tectonic can account for the existence of the mid-oceanic ridge and its associated rift valley and basaltic volcanism?
84: What was Wegener's evidence for continental drift?
85: What is plate in the concept of plate tectonic?
86: How has deep-sea drilling tested the concept of plate?
87: How many dirrerent types of mountain belts are there?
88: Are ridge offset along fracture zones easier to explain with mantle-deep convection causing plate motion or with shallow convection occurring as a result of plate motion?
89: What does a fold and thrust belt bell tell us about what occurred during an Orogeny?
90: Can you tell me why Hurricane Katrina took effect? Why was Katrina so destructive? Has Katrina been the most destructive and strong hurricane we have had in the world?
91: How do volcanoes form? What happens after volcanoes erupt? Can you please give me some interesting information about volcanoes?
92: What is the most important fact about volcanoes?
93: Can we get as much info as possible on the Japan tsunami 2011? We are doing a project on it, some info would be nice. Thank you for your cooperation, we appreciate it.
94: Do you have information on tsunamis? If you do have something, can you please tell me about?
95: What is the weakest spot in the world for a Tsunami to occur, besides the Ring of Fire?
96: Which is the biggest rodent in the world?
97: When will the ozone layer disappear?
98: This one is related to direction. I've heard that some mapmakers in the southern hemisphere design maps with the "southern" hemisphere on top and the northern" hemisphere on the bottom.
99: Do the people in the Southern Hemisphere consider north our north pole, or is their north actually the south pole?
100: Why do we say north is up and south is down? How do we know what up is?
101: We are wondering about some weather data. It seems like there is an indirect relationship between air pressure and relative humidity. We thought wet air would have greater air pressure (weigh more) than dry air! What's up with that?
102: I heard that moss always grows on the north side of trees. I want to know if it is true and why?I think it grows there because it is shady and cool.
103: I have heard that they have taken different pictures of the atmosphere from outside the world. Can you please direct me where I can find pictures that would show me different information about the atmosphere. I would like to study the atmosphere and take pictures from outside the earth.
104: Is there really weather on planets, and if there is, is it like on earth or is it colder or hotter?
105: I never heard of ozone near the ground.Does it affect in any way or protect us in others? Is there any way we can improve it? If the higher ozone gets destroyed, can the lower one protect us?
106: Can air pollution can affect weather? I heard that the hurricane Mitch was caused from pollution.
107: How can clouds hold water or snow?
108: What is the hottest desert in the world?
109: Where is the biggest lagoon located?
110: I was wondering if you could tell me about the moon and about eclipses. Why is it harmful to your vision? Ive heard that eclipses of the sun hurt your eyes. My teacher said hes seen moon eclipses that looked red. Why would that happen?
111: A student had the question about where the word neap comes from? The dictionary did not make a clear origin for the word.
112: Why are clouds gray?
113: Approximately how many earthquakes over 5.0 in magnitude occur in Japan each year?
114: What is the worst damage recorded from volcano? What is the name of that volcano and when did the damage occur?
115: Does Antarctica get volcanic eruptions?
116: Is there going to be a big earthquake in Santa Barbara in the next ten years? or is there a possibility for a volcano to form in Santa Barbara?
117: What would cause the magnetic polar caps to switch places?
118: What causes weather?
119: We've heard that ideas of the curvature of the earth come up when a ship is seen slowly disappearing down the horizon. How can we calculate the distance of the ship?
120: What causes storms in different countries?
121: What type of storm is the most dangerous?
122: My class is currently learning about oceans and ocean currents. There has been some conflicting thoughts about how many oceans there are in the world.Could you tell us how many oceans there are in the world and what their names are.
123: What continent(s) are Malaysia and New Guinea part of?
124: What kind of proof do people have that the earth changes? How do we know that things occured in similar ways in the past as they do now? How do we know that that change is long and slow?
125: How do hurricanes begin forming?
126: How deep is the ocean?
127: Why does the Earth have different layers? Has its size changed since it was created?
128: If I have a point on a map, defined by the latitude and the longitude, and I want to be able to determine the latitude and longitude at any point on a circle with a radius of 10 nautical miles from that point, what is the equation that gives me the point?
129: Why do we get coastal fog along the coast here in Santa Barbara over summer?
130: Iceland characterizes for its eruptions and earthquakes. How do Icelanders take advantage of Iceland’s volcanic nature?
131: How are hurricanes named? I would like to know how Hurricane Isaac got its name.
132: Why Europe does not have any tropical climates?
133: Are any organisms' habitats being fragmented or destroyed in the arctic wetlands?
134: Which is the hottest desert in the world?
135: In Social Studies, we are studying landforms but our textbook doesn't tell us anything about volcanoes or canyons. Can you tell us more about these types of landforms?
136: Why was hurricane Katrina so devastating?
137: What is the bet way to get to the Hadal zone?
138: I am wondering what a migmatite is and how is it related to the Mt. Rushmore granites? How was the Black Hills Gold deposited? Could you explain this? We are researching different areas of gold deposits in our advanced geology class. Thanks!
139: How do mountains change with time?
140: How much water is in the Atlantic Ocean?
141: How did the earth layers form, and how did the dinosaurs become extinct?
142: How does the oceans current affect the climate of the east coast?
143: Why does the earth have layers? What is the difference between oceanic crust and continental crust? Which is heavier?
144: Why is the Earth's -inner core a solid and the outer core a liquid?
145: How did weathering and erosion form Marvel cave?
146: How were Earth's layers formed?
147: What is the most delicate animal?
148: Why doesn't it snow in Santa Barbara?
149: What do toucans eat, and were do they live? Are toucans social?
150: I know that carbon dioxide freezes at a temperature of -57 degrees and forms dry ice, but in Antartica the temperature is -60 degrees . So, does dry ice forms there? If yes, then how and why?
151: Where do tornadoes come from?
152: What was the first living thing on earth?
153: I would like to know if the layers of the earth have changed over time?
154: What is "peak tornado season" in the Southern states?
155: What is an ecosystem and what is it made of?
156: Geology says high mountain peaks are formed in subduction zones where a continental plate riding on an oceanic crust meets a similar plate. This is also as a result of the seafloor spreading that has to be compensated for, due the fact that the Earth has a unit Mass and Area. My question here is: why has the mountain range (especially Everest) not extended it's peak indefinitely, since a new seafloor is created at the mid oceanic Ridge? Thank you
157: Which is the highest percentage of salt (salinity) in sea water?
158: Why is there more water than land on earth?
159: Why there is no winter in Davao?
160: 1) How do scientists calculate and work out the density of the earth? 2) How do scientists know the different dimensions of the earth?
161: How do satellite guided missiles, drones, and intercontinental ballistic missiles work? These are devices that are capable of autonomous flight. How is the technology of these devices related to that of the auto pilot on private and commercial aircrafts?
162: What are the predators of a California freshwater shrimp?
163: Is it true that a compass stops working in the Bermuda Triangle?
164: What is the Gulf Stream?
165: What type of frog multiples very fast like in 2 days that lives in Michigan?!?
166: My husband was bitten/stung by something - we think a spider of some sort, last May. The bite was painless. It started as mosquito bite size and went through the same progression/symptoms as a Hobo spider bite. I had the same thing happen 3 weeks ago and am still recovering from the "bite". Do we have Hobo spiders in Santa Barbara? We never saw what bit us, what could it be? I'm still recovering.Thank you.
167: I cannot find the kind of degrees that an oceanographer needs. Can you help me?
168: Could tectonic plate movement create another super-continent?
169: Why is there usually at least one hurricane a year?
170: Why do plants grow more in the summer than winter?
171: Which is the hottest desert in the world?
172: Is the amount of rainfall in an area correlated to the amount of litter in local creeks and streams? How? Is there a small or large correlation?
173: How many tornadoes do we have every year?
174: What minerals are in the myrtle beach sand?
175: Why is the sand on India's beaches yellow, orange, and pink? Is it because the sand was in the sun for too long? Or was it just like that? Thanks!!!
176: How is it possible that the continents will come back together even the tectonic plates are together? I have heard of divergent boundaries in the ocean and on land, and subduction, and even how mountains are formed, so how does it work?
177: I was told that slaves found their way North by looking for moss on the North side of trees. If this is true, and how does it work with the moss and the North of the trees?
178: If the plates were to collide into a super continent, would the mountains that are already at the plate boundaries grow?
179: What factors affect great white migration patterns? Does it have to do with following their food or is it the weather?
180: How does climate change affect mountains over time?
181: Why are there no snakes in Hawaii?
182: In the future, how do you think we will "protect" ourselves from global warming?
183: How will the next Pangaea look like?
184: How did cats become their size?(How and where do they come from)?
185: How do fault-block mountains form?
186: In the late 1960 early 1970's in the United States I was taught that there were 6 continents, combining Asia and Europe to make Euroasia. My students think that could not have been in the US curriculum. My question, did the US ever teach the 6 continent model were we included Europe and Asia as one?
187: Why does the area of the Bermuda triangle have more storms? Is this related to magnetic anomalies?
188: What types of volcanoes are found most often on plate boundaries?
189: Do volcanoes pattern coincide with other geologic events?
190: What kind of snails can be eaten by humans?
191: Hi Scienceline, My friend and I need a bit of information on Salinity in the Murray Darling Basin. How does salinity get into the Murray Darling Basin? Has the salinity rates gone higher or lower? How does the Murray River flow into the ocean? Is the poor irrigation getting worse?
192: How were humans created?
193: Is it possible that a fossil could make its way from South America to Australia, and only be found in those countries?
194: How tall was Mt. Everest before wind erosion and water erosion happened?
195: What would happen if the earth had no photosynthesis?
196: Do earthquakes cause floods?
197: How do rocks form?
198: How would the air move over the earth's surface if the earth did not spin on its axis?
199: How dose weather affect our daily lives?
200: How are emeralds formed?
201: When did humans first start roaming the earth about how many years ago ?
202: How deep is the ocean, and how long can the average human stay under water? Which animal can hold their breath under water for the longest time?
203: Is it possible that there could be pyramids hidden under the sand or water?
204: If stingrays like warm water which we had in Ventura a month ago, where do they go now that the water is like 55F, cold!? I know they liked the water because I got stung by one.
205: What happens when two oceanic plates converge?
206: How did fossils provide evidence for continental drift?
207: As a physics teacher I've always been puzzled by the movement of weather systems from west to east. Seems to me the rotation of the Earth and the low frictional drag on the atmosphere would result in a east to west movement?
208: What is the hottest temperature ever recorded in a desert?
209: What are facts against Pangaea?
210: Why the ocean is clear in the tropical latitudes and more turbid, cloudy, murky off the California coast?
211: Which ocean moderates the temperatures of eastern Canada?
212: How does fossils influence continental drift?
213: One of my students recently heard on NPR about how transpiration of trees in the Amazon Rain Forest directly affects the weather and climate in region. She is wondering how this occurs. Could you shed some light on this and how the climate will change as a result of deforestation in that area? Thank you!
214: Global warming is causing the melting of glaciers. Consequences of this is that sea level is increasing but it is said that rainfall is decreasing in spite of increasing due to high evaporation rate made by increasing in the temperature of sunlight reaching Earth that causes evaporation. Why is it so?
215: How will the melting of the glaciers on Greenland and Antarctica affect global circulation?
216: I'm a teacher and I've discussed this question with my department and we haven't come to a consensus. Is it possible for a sedimentary rock to become an igneous without becoming metamorphic first? Since melting is not instantaneous, would it technically become metamorphic before igneous, even if melting happens rapidly?
217: Did dinosaurs exist in Los Angeles?
218: Can moss determine direction when you are lost?
219: Hi,I just thought of one reason why ships and aircraft sink in Bermuda triangle. I thought that probably because ships are made up of metals and magnets attract metals, is there the possibility that there are magnets inside the sea that are capable of attracting ships? In that case, I don't know how magnets came there.
220: Can you explain me the reason for the strong earthquake in Italy a few days ago? Why this earthquake did destroy so much?
221: How much time does it take for life to first appear on a fresh lava flow, if the lava flow is near the equator? Or if you see grass and or ferns starting to grow on a lava flow; what can you say about the age of the lava flow?
222: How do tornadoes form?
223: Why is the ocean so salty?
224: Will the prolonged drought in California affect the propagation of different waves during an earthquake? Would the significant drop in soil moisture make the strata more or less rigid thereby affecting the velocity of the different waves associated with the quake? This question was asked by a colleague of mine while researching the Earth Science standards for Next Generation Science Standard, so it's more advanced than a normal question from a high school student!
225: Is the Coriolis force affected by climate change on Earth?
226: If you deliberately drilled a huge hole at the North Pole, and allowed all the earth's magma to spill out, as the earth tilted, could the weight shift, cause the earth to "flip" upside down, thus causing a reversal? Sounds plausible to me.
227: Where does fantail goldfish live?
228: What would be the devastation of the most powerful nuclear bomb dropped on New York City, within 2 miles, within 6 miles, within 10 miles, within 30 miles?
229: Based on a research in Norway, "... the Barents Sea and what they found could offer a viable scientific reason behind the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon. 'Multiple giant craters exist on the sea floor in an area in the west-central Barents Sea ... and are probably a cause of enormous blowouts of gas,' researchers told the Sunday Times. The craters in question were a half a mile wide and 150 feet deep, the Daily Mail reports. The researchers think methane leaking up through natural gas deposits caused the craters, meaning there wasn't just the gradual erosion but explosions of gas as well." Do you believe this could be a possible explanation behind the Bermuda Triangle phenomenon?
230: What are the ocean currents that affect the United States?
231: Do steelhead spawn in the streams on the channel Islands? Santa Cruz Island has perennial streams/creeks that have never been barricaded so the fish's reproductive behavior has never been affected (like what we see on the mainland). If they do spawn there why don't we ever hear about it? If they do not spawn there, why not?
232: I saw a picture yesterday on the newspaper online of lava flowing from rocks in Hawaii. How is this possible?
233: The current that runs along the East Coast eventually reaches England. England is at the same latitude as far north as Canada and Northern Europe, yet it has a much more mild climate. Then why does England has a milder climate?
234: How can grass and trees grow on Hawaii if all Hawaii is molten lava dried and hardened?
235: At what plate boundaries are cinder cone volcanoes formed?
236: What desert is the hottest in California? and how are you supposed to say fungi with other words?
237: How tectonic plate movement could create another supercontinent like Pangaea?
238: What plate of Earth does not have volcanoes associated with it?
239: Why is it colder in the northern cities, such as: New York than in the southern cities, such as: Houston, TX during the winter months?

You have a very nice web site. Thanks you for putting it together.

I have a question about basin and range faulting. I understand about valley (or half graven) formation. Due to stretching there is space for the hanging wall to rotate down.

But I do not understand how in an extensional regime do you get the foot wall to “rise” and form the “range” mountains in a basin and range province.

As the valley block rotates down, do they rotate up?

Can you help me understand rocks “rising” in an extensional area?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

241: Why does the seafloor not disappear since part of it continues to subduct along the ring of fire?
242: The last big earthquake which took place in Mexico City was less harmful for the people living there because the sound alarm warned them a few seconds before the shaking took place. Do we have the same alarms here in California, so we are prepared for the next big earthquake?

You have a very nice web site. Thanks you for putting it together.

I have a question about basin and range faulting. I understand about valley (or half graben) formation. Due to stretching there is space foe the hanging wall to rotate down. But I do not understand how in an extensional regime do you get the foot wall to “rise” and form the “range” mountains in a basin and range province. As the valley block rotates down,do they rotate up?

Can you help me understand rocks “rising” in an extensional area?

Thanks in advance for your answer.

244: How does water's heat capacity contribute to wind patterns in California?
245: Is it true that emeralds are formed when two continental plates hit each other?
246: How do you decide which mountain lions are tagged and which ones are not? and what are the challenges when tagging a mountain lion and how often are they tagged? and lastly, how often do hikers encounter mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains?
247: What are some constructive and destructive forces of the Colorado plateau and grand canyon?
248: What areas on Earth are at the least risk of a volcanic eruption?
249: Will continents come back together and form a single landmass called supercontinent?
250: If North is up, how does the Nile River flow down stream in the direction of North into the Mediterranean Sea?
251: What is the most amount of hurricanes ever to happen at one point in time?
252: Why is air at sea level denser than air at high altitudes?
253: What is altitude?
254: What happens to the temperature and pressure the deeper one goes into the geosphere?
255: I am doing a project about the mystery of Atlantis and you have to choose whether you believe it existed or didn't exist. I did not believe it existed. My three reasons to support were, Plato made it up, the lack of evidence, and underwater explorations (meaning that advanced technologies have not found clues on Atlantis). What I was wondering was if you had any input on my reasons or evidence you can help find? Thank you!
256: What is the continental drift theory?
257: Where can you find gold?
258: When Antarctica melts, how much land will be left?
259: How might you explain the same type of rock and rock formations being found on different continents?
260: Is the weight of buildings in Venice the reason the city gets floods every year? Is the city really sinking?
261: How mountains are formed?
262: Why was hurricane Katrina so destructive to New Orleans?
263: Are there tectonic plates on the east coast?
264: Are there tectonic plates on the east coast?
265: Is there any possibility that the West Coast of USA will have a strong earthquake in the next 5-10 years?
266: What is the relation between continental drift and the evolution? How four very different kinds of ant/termite eaters could occur in India, Africa, South America, and Australia?
267: What type of minerals are formed to make emeralds?
268: What are the different ways in which tectonic plates interact with each other as they move around?
269: Why did other scientists not believe Alfred Wegener theory to be true?
270: What is the oldest chasm on the Earth? I have been to Ausable Chasm in Keeseville, NY and know the rock is 500 million years old. Is there an older chasm? Thanks for your help!
271: What color is the sand on Atlantic coast beaches?
272: Why are there fjords in Norway?
273: Where are earthquakes more common, in the East or the West coast of United States? Why?
274: New Orleans was able to prepare for Hurricane Katrina. How were they able to predict that this hurricane was coming?
275: How does the sun become a day time star?
276: Could it be possible that a black hole is made up of atoms which have very high atomic number and higher atomic number will exert more force on its shell?
277: What will happen when the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies clash together?
278: How is that the Ural mountains were formed?
279: How many years ago was the Bering Strait formed? How many years ago was ice covering the strait so that our ancestors crossed the strait by foot?
280: How many different chains of mountains do we have around Santa Barbara, from here to Los Angeles? What chain of mountains is the one around Lake Casitas?
281: How probable is it for the coast of California to have a strong earthquake in the near future? Can it be predicted?
282: Is there an underwater connection between the Pacific Ocean and Mar de Cortez (Sea of Cortez)?
283: How many months a year is Lake Baikal frozen? How thick is the ice then?
284: Which country or countries have more volcanoes which can produce strong earthquakes?
285: Are opossums and kangaroos related?
286: How do weather patterns affect where and how you live, what you do, and what you wear?
University of California, Santa Barbara Materials Research Laboratory National Science Foundation
This program is co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation and UCSB School-University Partnerships
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